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Current Department Publications


Department Legislative Reports


Early Childhood Services Publications


Protective Services Publications


Juvenile Justice Services Publications


Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Intergovernmental Agreements


Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Consulate of Mexico


Requests of the Children, Youth and Families Department should be sent to Kathleen Hardy.

While we will endeavor to ensure that inquiries sent by regular mail are responded to timely, to ensure the most expedient handling during the COVID-19 period, please email to kathleen.hardy@state.nm.us.

If you are unable to email your request, it can be sent by regular mail to:

Kathleen Hardy
Children Youth and Families Department
P.O. Drawer 5160
Santa Fe, NM 87502-5160

Be advised that, due to the COVID-19 health and safety directives, processing of requests submitted by regular mail may be delayed.