Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA)

IPRA Guidance
The Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) is a New Mexico state law that provides the public and media access to public information. The law requires open access to public records in state and local government, with few exceptions. A printable copy of the New Mexico Attorney General’s IPRA Compliance Guide is available online.
How to File a Public Records Request
Public records requests for the Early Childhood Education and Care Department must be in writing and sent by mail or email to:
Daniel Stine, Records Custodian
PO Drawer 5619, Santa Fe, NM 87502-5619
Phone: 505-500-9854
The request must describe the records sought in sufficient detail to enable the records custodian to identify and locate the requested records. The most efficient way to place an official request to inspect ECECD records is to follow the link to our Public Request Portal and submit your request there. You can also fill out the Request to Inspect Public Records Form and email it to for processing.
ECECD will respond to each request in a timely manner in the same format that the request was made (e.g., electronic of paper) in addition to any other medium that may be appropriate under the circumstances.
If at any time you have questions, please reach out to the Records Custodian.
Notice of Right to Inspect Public Records
By law, under the Inspection of Public Records Act, every person has the right to inspect public records. The procedures outlined below are specific to requests pertaining to records in possession of the Early Childhood Education and Care Department. Requests for records specific to state agencies are best directed to the localized custodian at each agency.
Procedures for Requesting Inspection
Requests to inspect public records in possession of the Early Childhood Education and Care Department should be submitted to the office’s records custodian, located at the 1120 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501, and can be directed via our online Public Request Portal or by email to
Any person wishing to inspect public records may submit a request to the records custodian orally or in writing. However, the procedures and penalties prescribed by the Act apply only to written requests. A written request must contain the name, address, email address and telephone number of the person making the request. The request must describe the records sought in sufficient detail to enable the records custodian to identify and locate the requested records.
The records custodian must permit inspection immediately or as soon as practicable, but no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the records custodian receives the inspection request, unless the custodian determines that the written request is overly burdensome or broad and an additional reasonable period of time is needed to respond. If inspection is not permitted within three (3) business days, the person making the request will receive a written response explaining when the records will be available for inspection or when the public body will respond to the request. If any of the records sought are not available for public inspection, the person making the request is entitled to a written response from the records custodian explaining the reasons inspection has been denied. The written denial shall be delivered or mailed within fifteen (15) calendar days after the records custodian received the request for inspection.
Procedure for Requesting Copies and Fees
If a person requesting inspection would like a copy of a public record, a reasonable fee may be charged. The fee for printed documents eleven (11) inches by seventeen (17) inches or smaller is $ .50 per page. A reasonable fee may be charged for downloading copies of public records to a computer disk or storage device, including but not limited to a fee covering the cost of the device. Reasonable fees may be charged for transmitting public records, including transmissions by mail, or by facsimile.
When records exist exclusively in paper, or analog, format and the process of digitizing analog copies of records for electronic release is required, the records custodian may request that applicable fees for copying public records be paid in advance, before the copies are made or transmitted. A receipt indicating that the fees have been paid will be provided upon request to the person requesting the copies.
Generally, the Early Childhood Education and care Department will provide responsive records via email free of charge.
For a copy of the Inspection of Public Records Act Compliance Guide, please visit the New Mexico Attorney General’s website at