FFY 2025-2027 DRAFT Child Care and Development Fund State Plan

What is CCDF?
The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) plays a crucial role in supporting families in New Mexico by providing financial assistance for child care services. Child care assistance is vital for income-eligible families, enabling parents and guardians to work, attend school, or undergo training while their children receive care that fosters their learning and development. The CCDF not only helps in covering the cost of child care but also aims to improve the quality, health, and safety of child care services for all children in New Mexico.
New Mexico’s administration of the CCDF program is detailed in the State Plan, which outlines how the program will be managed from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2027. This plan is essential as it sets the guidelines and goals for the allocation of funds, ensuring that child care services are accessible, affordable, and of high quality to meet the needs of families across the state.
The CCDF Comment Portal is Open!
To provide input on New Mexico’s draft FFY 2025-2027 CCDF State Plan, please visit the portal linked below or directly submit your comments via first
class mail to P.O. Drawer 5619, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502 – 5619.
Your participation is integral to shaping the future of child care in New Mexico. We look forward to your valuable input and collaboration in this effort.
For all other CCDF inquiries and assistance, please email
ECECD-ECS-PublicComment@ececd.nm.gov or call (505) 231-5820.