Family Nutrition Bureau
ECECD’s Family Nutrition Bureau administers two USDA Child Nutrition Programs, the Child and the Adult Care Food Program and the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).

What is the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)?
CACFP provides reimbursement to childcare providers for nutritious meals and snacks served to children in child care settings.
The meals provided through childcare programs helps to ensure that eligible children and adults in day care facilities receive nutritious meals that meet USDA meal pattern requirements. Institutions which can participate in the programs include:
- School food authorities
- Local government entities
- Private non-profit organizations (such as faith-based organizations, Boys & Girls Clubs and community action agencies)
- Head Start programs
- Certain for-profit institutions that meet eligibility requirements
How to access CACFP
CACFP benefits are available to all enrolled participants. Enrollment takes place through your child’s early childhood program, which include Head Start programs, child care centers, before-and after-school care programs, family child care home providers, PreK programs, emergency housing shelters, hospitals and clinics, schools, preschools, and adult day care facilities.
Participation in CACFP is free in most centers. If your early childhood program has opted to use the pricing program provision and charge for meals, parents must complete an Income Eligibility Application in order to qualify for free meals. Otherwise, parents are required to pay a fee—either a reduced rate or a full rate, depending on family income.
What is the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)?
FNB also administers the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), which provides nutritious meals to children during the summer when school is not in session. Visit to find a meal site near you, or call 1-800-EAT-COOL.
Any eligible (age) child can access SFSP services by visiting a designated meal site during the hours of distribution. Participation in SFSP is free at all types of sites (open, restricted-open, closed enrolled and migrant) except camps charging separately for meals served to children that do not meet SFSP income eligibility standards.
The Early Show with Alax!
The Early Show with Alax is a program by ECECD to help new parents navigate being a parent. In this episode, Alax learns all about nutrition for young children as they grow. Featuring ECECD dietician Michelle, and Loren, New Mexico’s Family Nutrition Bureau chief.
New Mexico Grown
New Mexico Grown is a state-funded local food procurement program for public institutions operating nutrition programs that serve early childcare education sites, K-12 schools, senior centers, and other programs under the Child and Adult Care Food Program across the state.

Nutrition Education Training
CACFP and SFSP program sponsors receive nutrition education and training , provided by the Nutrition Education and Training (NET) staff. NET provides training and technical assistance that helps providers not only meet the minimum standards for participation in the food programs, but also helps improve the quality of the meals served to the children in their care.
Nutrition Education and Training helps children understand the importance of eating healthy and teaches skills and healthy habits that will last a lifetime—long after the child is out of the day care setting.
For more information on ECECD’s Family Nutrition Bureau program, please call 1-800-EAT-COOL (1-800-328-2665) or (505) 827-9961 (in Santa Fe).
Family Nutrition Bureau Materials Library